

Planted Pocket


How can individuals experience the natural world when, for the majority of us who live in urban environments, our daily interactions with nature are limited?

These ‘stained glass’ objects, which exist between 2-and 3-dimensions, explore different seeds that hold cultural significance in Scotland and how they are disseminated. The works seem more unassuming from the outside but undergo a transformation as the viewer engages with and opens them; the main emotional force exists inside the piece, in a location that would require action on the part of the viewer to uncover.

Materiality and sustainability are important considerations in my practice and this was also the case here. The coloured sections were made from recycled plastic food packaging that was painted to achieve the stained glass effect, and the wooden outer sections were laser cut from offcuts.

This series then informed the 3 colour screenprint ‘Plant a Seed’.

Copyright - Olivia Juett